When you have a social event, renovation, or big cleanup coming up, you might need to hire dumpster services. Usually, most dumpster rentals have standard charges that are payable before or after service delivery. This is a guarantee, especially when working with a reputable dumpster rental Austin Company. Most customers, however, forget to put into consideration the possibility of overage charges, and for good reason. Overage charges can be quite expensive and inconvenient. Luckily, there are a few ways of avoiding said charges as pointed out below.
1. Know The Rental Company’s Policies
As mentioned earlier, every company has a standard charging system. However, this standard shifts when other factors come into play. These may include an overflow of debris, the waste exceeding the standard weight, or even dumping items that the company does not allow. Any of these situations can force you to either pay the extra fees or find an alternative way of dealing with the waste. To avoid being blindsided at the last minute, always ask for the charging policy of the dumpster rental before sealing the deal.
2. Get The Right Dumpster Size
For the sake of sticking to a tight budget, people tend to underestimate the amount of waste they will need to dispose of. One might even believe that they can compact the waste to fit the smallest dumpster. However, you should keep in mind that when the dumpster exceeds the standard weight, you might be liable for an overage fee. The same applies when the waste overflows or does not all fit into the dumpster. Therefore, to avoid all the hustle, always choose a bigger dumpster than you think is necessary. Paying for one huge dumpster is often cheaper than paying for two smaller ones.
3. Stick To The Agreed Waste Type
While this is not a general rule, most dumpster rentals have a specified type of debris they agree to collect. For example, if you are looking to get rid of construction debris, the rental might agree to concrete, cardboard, tiles, plastic, some types of metal, etc. That means that you should not add waste such as kitchen waste, unwanted items from your wardrobe, or even liquid waste. If you choose to add these, they might altogether refuse to deal with the unwanted waste, or otherwise charge you overage fees.
4. Keep The Dumpster Lids On Especially During Rainy Seasons
Another sure way of preventing extra roll-off dumpster overage charges is by keeping the waste-free of rain. When you leave the dumpster lids on, the waste inside the dumpster will definitely absorb the moisture. Especially if the waste has high absorbent material such as carton, soil, or foam. The absorbed water will add to the weight of the dumpster thus increasing the chances of an overage charge. For best moisture absorption prevention, you can put a plastic paper cover over the mouths of the bins before placing the lids.
5. Enlist The Services Of A Professional Company
For the best dumpster rental services, always work with a respectable company like Dumposaurus Dumpsters & Rolloff Rental. This will save you a lot of disappointment and inconvenience along the way. For all your waste dumping needs, contact us or visit our website at https://www.dumposaurus.com/. We are fast, reliable, and always offer high-quality services that leave our customers happy and satisfied. Our team of professionals will handle all your cleanout needs in the smoothest and most convenient ways possible.
Dumposaurus Dumpsters & Rolloff Rental
401 Congress Ave.
#1540 Austin TX 78701
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